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What's Going on Here?

Updated: Sep 14, 2024

My post-hysterectomy brain fog has been a 10/10. That's right. I had my reproductive system (sans ovaries) removed last week, and my mind feels like a bouncy ball with lots of fog.

Yesterday, I had a random thought and immediately posted about it on my Instagram story, as one does. "I should start a website." Actually... "I'm going to start a website, like, this week, even though I don't feel well." Bingo.

My grandma (bottom right) in one of the greatest photos ever taken.

I don't really have a clear plan. I mean, I'm unemployed right now (which sounds very alarming). I spent the last nine years at A Beautiful Mess working my way up from Office Manager (we didn't have an IG, and the term "influencer" didn't exist when I started ... what did I do all day?) to Content and Communications Manager. It was truly my dream job.

However, as we all know by now, things change. Change was my least favorite word in the dictionary until a few weeks ago when it was forced on me. And it was exactly what I needed. Do I sound insanely optimistic? Trust me, I'm surprised too.

The game plan I came up with the day after I was laid off was:

  • Have surgery in 2 weeks

  • Heal and recover

  • Search and apply for jobs

And because I'm apparently all about change right now, and I have no chill, let's add "start a personal blog" to that list.

Having said that, there's only one stipulation about this idea—I desperately want this blog to be for fun and nothing else.

I'm proud to say that I know how to write a blog post that will rank on Google. SEO research is good for my brain. I can also manage the heck out of an affiliate program while running social media accounts and writing newsletters for a lifestyle blog.

HOWEVER, that isn't what this blog is about. I want to keep things simple without any pressure.

The Golden Years came to me yesterday (seemingly out of nowhere), and I knew exactly why. I remember when my grandma talked about growing up during "the golden years," a period I can only experience through flea market finds, old TV shows, and my goofy nostalgic brain.

On the flip side, I experienced two life-changing events during August, and another one is coming up in September— My 40th birthday. Wow, OK.

All of this signifies positive change and a new path in life.

Here's to the golden years.


Nov 03, 2023

aLll the best to you during this time of change! Looking forward to continuing to read your words here in your new space Yourean inspiration!

Jacki Moseley
Jacki Moseley
Nov 03, 2023
Replying to

Thank you so much! ❤️


Sep 10, 2023

Love this for you! I enjoyed your content on ABM and love the vibe of your blog so far. Hello from your newest Australian follower!

Jacki Moseley
Jacki Moseley
Sep 11, 2023
Replying to

Thank you so much!! 😊


Sep 04, 2023

So excited - I loved your posts on ABM!!


Megan Rea
Megan Rea
Sep 03, 2023


well, I for the one am stoked you started this new adventure👏🏼 I’ve always loved your posts on ABM and so connect with your “golden soul” 🥰 hoping for a smooth recovery for you!

Jacki Moseley
Jacki Moseley
Sep 04, 2023
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That means so much— thank you! Things are definitely looking up 💛


Sep 03, 2023

So excited you are doing this! I always enjoyed reading your 10 Things I Love Sunday posts, and I really love the way you style all of your vintage treasures!

Jacki Moseley
Jacki Moseley
Sep 03, 2023
Replying to

Thank you!!

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